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Selectmen's Minutes July 13, 1999
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
July 13, 1999

Present: Chairman Daniel Webster, Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Peter Jones, Charles Flynn and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Chairman Webster called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.- The first item to be discussed is the Parks and Field Commission.  Present were Ed Bates, Tony Trigler and Bob Hayes.  Mr. Bates explained to the Board that the land on Crooker Place is presently being cleaned up.  The Parks and Fields Commission would like to use this space for a field or fields for football or soccer or possibly some other use.   The debris has already been taken out and the metal removal hasn’t cost the Town any money at this point.

Jones stated that this is a great idea.  They should remember that fencing around the tracks would be needed.  Kuchinski asked if Parks & Fields has contacted any abutters for any input.  

Doris Matthews- 34 Crooker Place was present  and stated that she believes this would be a safety problem where the railroad tracks and high tension lines are there.  Also, the street is very narrow and traffic is not a good idea.

Webster suggested a fence and Flynn discussed the non-climb fence which is almost impossible to climb.  

Sharon Jasperson- a resident, explained there are 3 group homes with 12 clients in that area.  There are busses and clients that travel that street.  She believes the added traffic would be detrimental to the clients.

Kuchinski suggested a letter be sent to the abutters to come to a meeting and each Selectmen should familiarize themselves with the site.

Jones explained that once you hit the railroad tracks it is very quiet.  This is a worthwhile project and we should invite the abutters in to the next meeting.

Parks and Fields also brought the engineering bill for Boteiri Field to the Boards attention.  The bill was for the moving of the fencing and extending it and a storage shed for the field is in the process of a hearing.  

II.     Mrs. Elizabeth Merry- 631 Pleasant Street was present to inquire why the Health Inspector and Building Inspector had been out to inspect her home and took pictures of the Inside and outside of her house.  Germaine took pictures outside and the Health Agent took pictures of the Inside of her house.  She explained that they were both courteous but were at her house too many times.  Merry indicated that Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector,  told her they wouldn’t be to her house any more.  Mrs. Merry explained that the only thing the Health Inspector found was clean clothes piled throughout the house.  She was upset that no appointments were made before the Inspectors came to the house.  Kuchinski explained that Carole McCormack called her to let her know no tax action would be taken on her property.  Kuchinski also asked that a procedure be put in place regarding complaints to prevent suffering.  

Nugent explained that the letter was sent from himself after a complaint came into the Selectmen’s Office.  Webster told Mrs. Merry that the Selectmen will look into this situation and inform the B.O.H. of her concerns.  

III.    Jack Sweeney, tenant at the Plymouth County Hospital Property- present to discuss possible eviction by the County.  The County sent a representative to let them know they will have 30 days to find somewhere else to live.  They were also led to believe that the Town of Hanson is pushing them out.  Webster explained that the Town has been in negotiations with the County for a long time and the County has been aware that they have intended to sell the property for quite some time.  
Murdoch also clarified that the Town has not been pushing to get the tenants out immediately.  Webster let Sweeney know that the Selectmen will intervene on the tenants behalf. Sweeney asked that the residents be contacted.  Another resident  spoke up and let the board know that she was led to believe she would be able to buy the house.  Sweeney said he was also told that by the County.  

IV.     Joseph O’Sullivan, 625 West Washington Street - Introduced himself as the Chairman of the Building Inspector Review Panel.  He wanted to clarify that the panel agreed that the report would be based on written, signed and dated letters or oral testimony given under oath.  They met 6xs and 26 citizens testified.  The Report was 6 pages long with the complaints grouped together.  Young’s standards were not consistent with the whole panel, he did his own investigation and the initial report also contained independent discussion with a town employee.  

Webster asked Mr. O’Sullivan what sparked him to come in tonight.  Mr. O’Sullivan- just wanted people to know what the report was based on.  Kuchinski asked why we are listening to this again.  

Young approached the Selectmen with a statement saying that there are no restrictions for follow-up information.  He then read a statement that he is not guilty of any offenses regarding the panel.  

V.  Charles Mann and Karen Barry - present to discuss ideas regarding the dedication of the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.  They suggested to dedicate the room as the Lewis, Stearns Room.  Motion by Murdoch, second by Flynn - the board discussed the potential of a plaque with all of the Selectmen’s Names.  Murdoch amended her motion to add the plaque- Karen Barry will contact Mrs. Stearns sons to see if we could get a copy of the picture with the naming of the room.  5-0 Vote.

VI.     Request for appointment- Matthew Murphy to the Thomas Mill Committee.  Motion by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

VII.    Disabled American Veteran’s, Whitman Chapter- Requesting permission to conduct the Annual Forget Me Not Drive on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 26, 27 and28, and September 2, 3 and 4 at Shaws Supermarket.
Motion by Kuchinski, second  by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

VIII.   Whitman Hanson Regional High School Hockey Booster Club requesting permission to conduct a bottle drive on Saturday, September 11, 1999 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Motion by Flynn, Second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

IX.     Request for a One Day Liquor License at the Senior Center for a 40th Birthday Party- Liquor to be sold from 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. on August 15, 1999. Motion by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski. 5-0 Vote.

X.      Motion by Murdoch, second by Jones- to go into Executive Session under #6 - VHB Contract and Plymouth County Property. Roll Call Vote.  Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Jones, aye; Flynn, aye; Webster, aye. 5-0 Roll Call Vote.

Webster announced that there may be one vote taken in Executive Session.  

Before moving into executive session Kuchinski brought up the issue of McDonalds and the bright painting of the building.   Mrs. Coyle, Board of Appeals - told the Board that the Appeals Board had discussed this at their last meeting and found that the site plan for McDonald’s requires- Colonial Colors and building.  The Board of Appeals has sent a letter to the Zoning Enforcement Officer to inform him of this situation.  

The Board moved into Executive Session.

XI.  The board came out of Executive Session:  Webster announced that the letter regarding the Assembly Permit will be discussed at the next meeting.  Additionally, the report regarding the Nugent Land should be in by Thursday or Friday but Kathleen O’Donnell will be on vacation until Friday and Everett Marder goes on Vacation on Tuesday.  The Board decided to hold a meeting on Monday at 8:30 p.m. Jones and Nugent will be on vacation.

Motion by Murdoch to set up the meeting for Monday July 19, 1999 at 8:30 p.m., second by Kuchinski.  4-0-1 Vote (Jones abstained)

XI.  Adjournment:  Motion by Kuchinski, second by Flynn to adjourn- 5-0 Vote.